Pastor Dale


Dale was born in Jamaica of Jamaican parentage. Most of his childhood was spent in the care of his Aunt; a very strict but loving and caring person. He was brought up to attend church with his 4 brothers and sister, where he played an active role in plays and choral speaking groups.

His aspiration was to become a lawyer or a preacher, and many days during his teen years he could be found in the Parish Court House listening to legal cases. He has had a very varied working experience from the hotel industry, working on cruise liners as a bar waiter/bartender, to photographer, and eventually manager of his own photographic company.  But God was at work preparing him to be a preacher.

On his returning to Jamaica from working on the cruise ships Dale recommitted his life to God and soon served in the Youth Ministry of his home church. As time progressed Dale had theological training and served in ministerial positions such as Deacon, Youth Leader, director of the church drama group and as Regional Co-ordinator for the Men’s Ministry of Open Bible Standard Churches of Jamaica. 

Dale is married to Joy; a science teacher by profession, a job she enjoys along with helping her husband with the pastoral duties of the Living Word Church. They have two children, Anwar (fondly called Theo) and Jovanne. Theo is a graduate of Canterbury Christ Church University and Jovanne a graduate of The University of Essex. 

Dale and his family have been living in Bexhill since 2002 and he has led Living Word Church since 2011.

Dale is a passionate preacher of God's Word, and his desire is to see the people of Bexhill brought into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to develop a real relationship with Him. He wants us all to get deeper into the Word of God so that we develop a personal knowledge and understanding of who God is, and be ready to share the good news of their salvation with all we meet.