Bible Study

At Living Word Church we meet together on Zoom for Bible Study alternate Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm (the other week we get together for Prayer).

Most of us have probably heard over and over how important it is for us to study the Word of God. But all too often we don’t really understand why, and consequently have a difficult time really getting started. So let’s look at why studying the Word is vital to our Christian growth and maturity.

What a majority of Christians don’t realize is that the Word of God is alive! The Word can really affect and have a life-changing impact on your day-to-day living. God reveals Himself through His Word.
As He reveals Himself to you, you can expect your life to change because you are getting to know God himself, not just about Him. The reason we study the Bible individually and together is that we may know God, know His ways and walk in them. Then we can truly live a successful Christian life.

The Bible is a personal message from Almighty God Himself—straight from heaven—to you. The main theme of this message is Jesus—even in the Old Testament. Jesus is the living Word, the message of God to all mankind.

Ever since the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, God was unwilling to leave us in our sin and live without us. So He had a plan—the plan of redemption—when he gave His Son to pay the price for our sin on the Cross, and thereby bring us back into fellowship with Him. Glory to God! So look for Jesus in every book of the Bible. All scriptures either point to the Cross or looks back on it.

While the Bible is God’s inspired Word, it was also meant to be down-to-earth. Don’t just reverently give it a place of honour on a bookshelf, but treat the Word as your personal hands-on reference book on life — a how-to book for everyday living. Get rid of the negative idea that it is just a set of rules. God’s Word is our very source of freedom. God sent His Word to set us free, not to bind us up and weigh us down. So read the Word with a positive attitude, approaching it as an open door to freedom, not as a list of do's and don’ts.

As you get started studying, it is helpful to use a Bible you feel free to write in and take notes. Start underlining or highlighting verses that have significance and special meaning to you. This will help personalise the Word for you. Marking these scriptures will also help you find them more readily when you need them.
Our Bible Study times together are very precious, and we can ask questions and contribute. Everyone is welcome regardless of how much or little they know of the Bible, and whether they know God personally or are just searching for themselves. You will be made very welcome; if you don’t have a Bible we can provide you with one.